The Churchtown Weekly – Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Churchtown Weekly – Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Churchtown Weekly Thursday March 6, 2025
Shout it in the assembly.
Shout it to the world. (Psalm 40)

How a church Welcomes Families Matters

42They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42 (BSB)

When we gather to worship, we strive to glorify God through our words and our song – through our observance of the ordinances and fellowship. Nowhere in scripture does it teach us that fellowship with one another does not include children. We believe, as scripture teaches, that families are meant to be together in church. How else can one generation teach and lead future generations?

“13Then the little children were brought to Jesus for Him to place His hands on them and pray for them. And the disciples rebuked those who brought them. 14But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them! For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ 15And after He had placed His hands on them, He went on from there.” Matthew 19:13-15 (BSB)

It is said that the signs of a thriving church are singing men and crying babies – So if you are bringing your children to church, we thank you. Children learn to worship from those around them. At Churchtown, we will support you as you try to engage your children in song, in prayer, and in the word.

Do not be afraid to reach out and ask questions of those around you. Do not be afraid to walk around the sanctuary to calm your baby, or to allow your toddler to play in the open space. If necessary, there is a room that is specifically designed for babies, nursing mothers, and toddlers just off the sanctuary. The service is always live streamed in the children’s room. Oh, and the second Sunday of every month our team (complete with all necessary clearances) gathers children of all ages to learn and grow as a group we call, “Kids for Our King.”

You will find resources in the sanctuary that will help your child engage in the service. There are resources for those who do not yet read – as well as for those who do.

These resources are provided not just to entertain, but to engage children and families in every aspect of the worship experience. Take them home, fully complete them, talk and pray about what you all experienced that morning. As Psalm 78 teaches, “Give ear, O my people, to my instruction; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables; I will utter things hidden from the beginning, that we have heard and known, and our fathers have relayed to us. We will not hide them from our children, but will declare to the next generation the praises of the LORD and His might, and wonders He has performed.” (vs 1-4 BSB)

There are also informative pamphlets and even a little library of children’s Christians books!

“6Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22: 6 BSB)

Welcome to Churchtown. We truly are glad you are here. 😊

The March Edition of The Churchtown Monthly is available. Please take the time to stay informed!

Financial Peace University 2025

Do you want to learn strategies to get out of debt and get a stronger financial foundation?

It is beginning THIS Saturday so if you have been putting it off, NOW is the time to contact Jeff!

Would you be interested in participating in a basic first-aid course? The idea has been brought up that perhaps we should learn the basics, including CPR. If you are interested, look for a sheet to sign you name.

Moving forward in 2025, it is time to begin thinking once again of the future of the church and her leadership. Our annual Spring Meeting will be held Sunday, April 27. THIS IS ALWAYS A VERY IMPORTANT DATE IN THE LIFE OF THIS CHURCH. I URGE YOU AS YOUR PASTOR TO MAKE PLANS TO ATTEND.

We will hear a “state of the church” address as well as reports from the various growing ministries and outreaches of Churchtown.

We will also be voting for several leadership positions. They are:

5 council seats
Assistant Treasurer
Secretary / Assistant Secretary
Although it is true that only members can formally vote, each and every one of you who makes this church what it is should plan to be a part of this important time together.



TAKE AN APPLICATION AND TURN IT IN to pastor Brian or any other council member. Have questions about what it is like to serve? ASK A COUNCIL MEMBER!

We will take names right up until April 6th with voting on the 27th. We will be fasting and praying for God’s leadership in the process of election.

The first Theological Study day is Saturday, March 19th between 9am and 3pm.

The title and theme are, “Biblical Structure and the Metanarrative of Salvation.”


No, you need not be a regular “Churchtownian” to be a part of this experience!

You can now subscribe and listen to the

“Churchtown Podcast Network!”

Available on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify, just search “Turning on the Lights!” and “Churchtown Church of God Sermons” – subscribe and then leave a rating and a review! More folks will see it!

*Audio and video are always posted on our YouTube channel @churchtownchurch (there are 1,100 videos there)

Services of the Ordinances 2025

April 17 (Maundy Thursday)
July 27
October 26
Thanksgiving Eve Lord’s Supper

Remember, the single biggest reason given for why someone attends church for the first time is that a friend asked them!

As always, we continue in prayer for Churchtown, for our community, for the church universal, and for the lost everywhere.

God is good. God provides. Keep your eyes up and on the cross people.

Be well and do good, my friends. And, as always, Keep Looking Up! The lord comes!
We are always seeking individuals to be trained in technology. We would like to develop TEAMS that could rotate weekends.
There is always the opportunity to provide music – join up with the New Song Singers and / or talk to me about a special prelude or piece.


Churchtown Church of God
Sunday, March 9, 2025
Welcome to Churchtown!
We are glad you are here!

Sing with us! #73, “Thou Art Worthy”

The Opening Word

Psalm 131 (NLT)

30, “How Majestic Is Your Name”

“Blessed Be the Name of the Lord”

“I’ll Fly Away”

Back In the Word

Luke 14:7-23 (NLT)

Steph with, “It Is Well”

The Final Word

Luke 14:25-34 (NLT)

42, “Seek Ye First”

Our Time of Spiritual Care

“The Lord’s Prayer”

Your offering to the church is received with humility through the offering box located in the side room as you face the sanctuary. Thank You for supporting The Churchtown Church of God.


As a “little” church, we are always asking the question, “What CAN we do?” Well, we can start by caring for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of each other.

We CAN serve the next person God places before us.
We CAN invite that person to church!
We CAN be intentional about going to church and strengthening ourselves and the body.
We CAN serve our community and show who Christ is to those who do not know Him.

I Love Being Your Pastor and Your Friend,



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