The Churchtown Weekly Thursday, December 26, 2024
Shout it in the assembly.
Shout it to the world. (Psalm 40)
11Then I saw heaven standing open, and there before me was a white horse. And its rider is called Faithful and True. With righteousness He judges and wages war. 12He has eyes like blazing fire, and many royal crowns on His head. He has a name written on Him that only He Himself knows. 13He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and His name is The Word of God.
14The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. 15And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty. 16And He has a name written on His robe and on His thigh:
Revelation 19:11-16 (BSB)
It has been quite a Christmas season here at the little church on the hill. Setting the stage for it with pneumonia was quite a challenge, but so many people from inside and outside of the church invested so much in the services. They are all chamily as far as I am concerned.
This freed me to really dig into the Word and do what I do best. It felt good to have trust in so many people and be free to preach and teach.
It is also, of course, a heavy time for many people, and I love the way we all come together and care for one another in these circumstances. It is the way it should be for brothers and sister in Christ. Together, we walked through, and will continue to walk through, the heaviness – lifting the burdens of one another as we are taught to do by the Spirit of the Lord.
Aside from my focus on last Sunday and Tuesday, I have taken time away from the livestream and even from writing a devotion this week. I just want to thank you and tell you how I feel.
So, thank you. 😊
I feel grateful. 😊
Sunday we will again be looking through the lens of Advent – only this time we will be looking forward to the second Advent, the second coming of Christ our King. We will examine scripture from the Revelation of Jesus Christ, and we will sing “Joy To the World” with a fresh understanding that this great Christmas Hymn refers to Christ as a baby and Christ as Judge and Redeemer of all creation.
Betty Knott will be singing, “Mary Did You Know?” to start the service (appropriate when you consider how the service will conclude), and together we will be singing a song titled, “All Glory Be to Christ” which is set to the tune of Auld Lang Syne. Jeff and Steph are always coming up with fresh ideas, and I appreciate that.
Finally, Sunday is also a Fifth Sunday Celebration after which we will be taking 10% of our current bottom line and donating it to the Kingdom. This month we will be giving to Carlisle Christian Academy (they have a benefactor who will be matching all gifts through the end of the year), Joseph Moussa Ministries (bringing the gospel message to Arab-speaking peoples), Child Evangelism of Cumberland County (serving children with the gospel of Christ), and Bethany House (a home for young women who are aging out of the foster care system). We know for fact that your generosity impact thousands of people throughout the course of any year. Again, thank you.
As we look forward to 2025, be looking for the yearly calendar that will have the dates for our services of the ordinances and special services, concerts, and planned events. We met every initiative that we envisioned for 2024 – prayer initiatives, ordinance observance, et. and for 2025 we will be learning more about fasting and begin to practice it before every service of the ordinances – and, I have kind of volunteered the church and the Churchtown Riders to organize a charity ride for Speranza Animal Rescue. The tentative date is September 27th. More on this later!
Also, I want to note that “Kids For Our King” will meet every THIRD Sunday beginning in January!
I pray that you are having great days, and I pray that we will be seeing each other Sunday as we worship together in prayer, in song, and in the Word. All made possible by the Spirit of God within us.
If you haven’t taken the theological study day survey, please do! We want to hear from you!
You can now subscribe and listen to the
“Churchtown Podcast Network!”
Available on both Apple Podcasts and Spotify, just search “Turning on the Lights!” and “Churchtown Church of God Sermons” – subscribe and then leave a rating and a review! More folks will see it!
*Audio and video are always posted on our YouTube channel @churchtownchurch (there are 1,100 videos there)
Church Calendar
We will begin reading through the New Testament just past midnight on January 1. It appears as though we have all of the time slots covered. This should be a very interesting event. We are not sure if we can livestream the entire 18 or so hours.
The First Friday Movie is upon us! This month it is “Ordinary Angels” and will begin Friday, January 3 at 7pm! Come and enjoy!
Kids for Our King! Sunday, January 19!
Service of the Ordinances:
January 26
April 17 (Maundy Thursday)
July 27
October 26
Thanksgiving Eve Lord’s Supper
Remember, the single biggest reason given for why someone attends church for the first time is that a friend asked them!
As always, we continue in prayer for Churchtown, for our community, for the church universal, and for the lost everywhere.
God is good. God provides. Keep your eyes up and on the cross people.
Be well and do good, my friends. And, as always, Keep Looking Up! The lord comes!
We are always seeking individuals to be trained in technology. We would like to develop TEAMS that could rotate weekends.
There is always the opportunity to provide music – join up with the New Song Singers and / or talk to me about a special prelude or piece.
Churchtown Church of God
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Welcome to Churchtown!
We are glad you are here!
Opening Prelude, “Mary did You Know?” – Betty Knott
Opening Word
Revelation 19:1-16 (NLT)
New Song! “All Glory be to Christ”
sung to the tune of Auld Lang Syne
Back in the Word
Revelation 21:1-17; 22-27 (NLT)
” Shine Jesus Shine”
The Final Word
Revelation 22:6-17 (NLT)
#125, “Joy to the World!”
Our Time of Corporate Prayer
“The Lord’s Prayer”
Your offering to the church is received with humility through the offering box located in the side room as you face the sanctuary. Thank You for supporting The Churchtown Church of God.
As a “little” church, we are always asking the question, “What CAN we do?” Well, we can start by caring for the spiritual, emotional, and physical needs of each other.
We CAN serve the next person God places before us.
We CAN invite that person to church!
We CAN be intentional about going to church and strengthening ourselves and the body.
We CAN serve our community and show who Christ is to those who do not know Him.
I Love Being Your Pastor and Your Friend,